
The Secret Trends of eCommerce in Europe

Live webinar  | Hosted in English 🇬🇧

Dive into the data and discover the most significant eCommerce trends of the year based on billions of transactions analyzed from September 2022 to September 2023. We will present a unique overview of the eCommerce landscape in Europe, with a specific focus on marketplaces, DtoC, and the second-hand market.

September 28th
4:00 pm
4:45 am

Event description

  • E-commerce Report: Exclusive data on market shares of all players, category trends, top products… Key insights that will help you identify new online growth opportunities.
  • Marketplaces and DtoC in the spotlight: What is the real significance of marketplaces and DtoC in Europe? What are the actual benefits? Is it possible to compete with giants like Amazon?
  • Focus on the refurbished market: What is the actual evolution of this market? Is it a market dominated by pure players, or is it a growth opportunity for those also selling new products? Is there a risk of cannibalization with sales of new products?
All the data presented will be based on online purchases from our panel of +5M e-shoppers worldwide.


Guillaume Coudry
CCO @Foxintelligence
Ismail El Ouardirhi
Ismail El Ouardirhi
Senior Sales Manager @Foxintelligence

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Thanks to our panel of +1.5M e-shoppers in Europe.

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