Séverine Geoffroy is the Director of Ecommerce Business Development at Carrefour France. Along with her team, she is responsible for assortment construction, warehouse procurement, and promotion selection.
Séverine and her team started using Foxintelligence in 2020. “We haven’t stopped using it since because it’s extremely important for us to steer our business.”
With Foxintelligence, Carrefour analyzes the market share of home delivery, the performance of different product categories, the performance of its products compared to competitors, and also the drive market.
Until now, home delivery data and drive data were mixed – Carrefour didn’t have a solution to separate them into two distinct business units.
The store switch feature is key for Carrefour. “We can quickly understand market dynamics, know which competitor is gaining our customers.”
The market share feature is also a crucial indicator for Carrefour. “When managing a business, we look at our market share. It’s not possible otherwise, especially in home delivery and drive. Market boundaries are very different, and they evolve rapidly. For example, quick commerce: two years ago, it was on the rise – now it’s beginning a long decline. It’s extremely important to be able to monitor entries and exits to understand how the market is doing.”
Carrefour uses the Foxintelligence platform for market analysis, understanding product trends, and product category trends.
The delivery team uses it for budgeting. “We make projections to build our 3-year strategic plans. Foxintelligence is the only source of data we have, and we use this data for forecasting. It’s a key tool for the business.”
During this appointment, we will present our methodology and various use cases for different industries based on the utilization of our 10,000 users.
Based on the transactions of our panel of +5M e-shoppers in the world.
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During this appointment, we will present our methodology and various use cases for different industries based on the utilization of our 10,000 users.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry, when an unknown printer took a galley of type to make a type specimen book.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.