
Arthur Bertho
Head of Business Development

“A few months away from the World Cup, we need to source sellers of rugby-related products. Thanks to Foxintelligence, we have identified potential future partners.”

Using data to develop the Rakuten marketplace

Key player in the French e-commerce landscape and a pioneer in the circular economy, Rakuten France is a generalist shopping platform offering new, used, and refurbished products sold by both professionals and individuals.

Arthur Bertho is the Head of Business Development at Rakuten France. His role is straightforward: recruit new partners, new sellers to expand the offerings on the platform. At Rakuten, the entire business development team uses Foxintelligence.

“Foxintelligence is part of our daily routine for market analysis and obtaining data.” Rakuten uses Foxintelligence to:

  • Analyze its market: “With the market share feature, we truly gain a comprehensive market understanding.” As a marketplace, Rakuten can analyze its competitors, market share, trends, sales, and its national and regional positioning. “We have information that allows us to adapt our offerings and ensure that our partners can grow as much as possible on the platform.”
  • Expand its product offerings: Rakuten has a better understanding of the market and can enhance its offerings by finding new partners to supplement its product range, with the ultimate goal of satisfying consumers.
Before Foxintelligence
  • Less effective product sourcing
  • Shallower understanding of the market
With Foxintelligence
  • Better market understanding and more relevant product sourcing
  • Broader knowledge of the market and competitors
  • Time saved for the Rakuten teams

A time-saving platform for Rakuten

Arthur’s team analyzes and processes data extracted from the platform to supplement the data from the Rakuten marketplace—ensuring ever more precise analyses.

“The platform interface has evolved significantly, granting us access to our data in no time. It’s very practical, user-friendly, and, above all, highly effective. Foxintelligence undeniably saves a considerable amount of time for our teams.”

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Business decisions made through Foxintelligence data

Rakuten relies on insights from the Foxintelligence platform to make strategic decisions and recruit partners.

“A very concrete example: we’re just a few months away from the Rugby World Cup, and we need to source sellers of rugby-related products—balls, jerseys, merchandise. Thanks to Foxintelligence, we’ve identified potential future partners who, I hope, will join us soon.”

"We've been working with Foxintelligence for several years now - it's a major partner for us today."

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry, when an unknown printer took a galley of type to make a type specimen book.